Videos tagged with Allison Robertson

  • Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) is a community-based diversion approach with the goals of improving public safety and public order and reducing unnecessary justice system involvement of people who participate in the program. Join us for a panel of experts who will discuss their work and experience with LEAD. They are Lisa Daugaard, Director of the Public Defender Association; Reed Baer, Deputy Chief of Police of the Hickory Police Department in North Carolina; and Charlton Roberson, a peer support specialist from Fayetteville's LEAD program.

  • A celebration of the renaming of the Center for Science and Justice at Duke Law to honor a generous donation from alumnus and philanthropist Derek Wilson. Duke Law Dean Kerry Abrams introduces the event; Center Executive Director Thomas Maher speaks and Center Director Brandon Garrett moderates. The event features a keynote roundtable with renowned ProPublica and New York Times Magazine journalist Pamela Colloff, Texas parolee Joe Bryan and Duke Law rising 3L Sarah Champion, who worked on an amicus brief in Bryan's case.